Thursday, March 17, 2022

Fabric Collage Art: Book One #2 "Lace"


Here's Collage #2 for Book One with "Lace" theme.

In case you missed the first post description here it is again:

Fun creating with fabric & lace & buttons!!
I love making or repurposing books. So, why not books full of Fabric Collage pages?  

Right away I began cutting backing rectangles for adhering and stitching the collage. Then also cut flannel or linen type fabric to attach the completed collages, page by page.
I chose 6 X 9" as my size and pulled one of my repurposed hardcover books in which to bind all the finished pieces. I'll bind all the finished fabric pages; then attach the bundle to the (empty) hardcover spine.

By the way, the hardcover empty book is a safe holding place for finished pieces until binding.

Please share what you decide to make!