Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Mom & Caregiving - A New Chapter

Thank you for your thoughts and kindnesses. Our beloved Mom passed away last Saturday night late. She was a trooper to the end of her 94 years. She fought through several more strokes, but stayed positive and loving.

It was our privilege and blessing to care for her. Miss her lots -- but know her suffering is past and she is resting in the best place.

Grateful for the Journey with you, Mom! deborah lyn

June 22, 2018
Well - June has been a traumatic month: further neglect from facility caregivers, denied by hospice twice, unable to move her to a lovely Care Home because of it, & bed-sores. BUT WE MOVED HER TO LIVE WITH US YESTERDAY, SAFELY & WONDERFULLY.

Our lives have changed radically, but we are much more peaceful. The checking on at all hours, feeding, changing, reminds me of the times we had a newborn. She is bed bound and mute due to strokes, but she is still there gracious and loving.

Gratefully yours, deborah lyn
April, 2018
A few years ago I made this quilt to honor my mother-in-law and her battle through Alzheimer's disease. The image fades as time goes by and she is floating in the piece and in real life. I share it again to honor her. 

Mom, at 93, has been bed bound for a year now due to two strokes and can no longer speak. She is a resident in a facility and we are with her daily.  

The facility she was in for 3 years was sold and the new owner is doing a major remodel, so all residents must move. The last several weeks have been very intense due to this move and finding suitable accommodations.

We have relocated her - no easy feat! - and she is in her new room with all of her things about her. This is a huge time for readjustment for her and for us. And many items of her care must be improved.

Also, you may find my caregiving articles of interest/help at: 