Spring is a season for new beginnings!
So how about an artsy Calendar Journal?
I have been considering several definitions for MUSE. These are my favorites:• To dream
• To ponder
• To reflect on a song, a poem, a story, a life event
• To wonder, to marvel
So, The Monthly Muse began.
Here's the story: While browsing through craft books, I stumbled upon an idea for creating a monthly planner and making it artsy. I used too many page as signatures for my 2016 book, resulting in several blanks I plan to go back to sometime. I used watercolor paper, stitched binding, monthly tabs, and a fabric cover.
Calendar Journal 2017 |
Let me show you the interior set-up. The left side includes the title for the month, the theme, items I am grateful for, a word list, a color list, drawing ideas and two columns for notes. The right side has a small calendar, cut from a full year calendar, glued to one upper corner, two rectangle outlines for drawings surrounded by open area for ideas, notes, and things I want to remember such as special happenings that month.
My WIP April pages include:
Theme: Spring
Gratitude: Time in seasons, months, weeks and days, my writing group
Word List: Taxes, classes, trust
Color List: pink, green, sky blue
Drawings: leaves, sunflowers & poppies
Notes: Do No Harm
Have a go and share what you chose to do. It is perfectly OK to start your Calendar Journal in April! It is your book. It’s wonderful whenever you start. ------ some Jan/Feb/March catch up next time -----