I often use the Coptic or Kettle binding stitch for books. Both of my calendar journals have been bound with the Coptic method before wrapping with fabric. Here are some links for resources I find useful.
My favorite is the Coptic Stitch because I want my books to lie flat when open: http://www.tortagialla.com/2010/08/16/chain-or-coptic-stitch-bookbinding-tutorial/
Another recourse for Coptic:
Jennifer from Sea Lemon has an extensive YouTube tutorial list for book making:
Kettle Stitch Book Binding YouTube
by Sea Lemon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O4kFTOEh6k&index=2&list=PL2F704E01F80BA1E9
Monthly Muse - June's Ponderings coming soon! What's your muse for June? How did your May pages go?